Friday, April 20, 2018

Hello and welcome to the Creative Crew at Marco's blog

You have reached the blog of the Creative Crew!! where you will be able to see the classes offered , new products, tips, tricks and eventually customer creations. Feel free to comment on posts, ask questions or both. This is a new venture so be patient while we get this blog up and running..


  1. Suggest you have what a basic stamp kit includes for those newbies!

    1. Thank you for leaving a suggestion. If you check the nav bar at the top you will find a *basic stamp kit tab. Press there to see the list. 😊

  2. Yay! I look forward to your posts and the projects you and others create. Great idea to have this blog! Congrats and best wishes...

  3. Yeah!!!!!! Glad to see the local store has some visibility. Looking forward to your posts. It will take some pressure off Greg to keep up with the local store plus the online store and shows. Congrats ladies.

  4. Congratulations and good luck with your new Blog.... Martha
